
Please choose one of the following to access appropriate resources for your program:

KinderBridge (API)/CCMS Providers ↗

Resources for providers using their own Child Care Management System for attendance.

NCRP Providers ↗

Resources for providers using KinderSign and KinderSmart for attendance.

As a DES contracted or certified provider, you can access support to strengthen your business through technology updates, temporary rate increases, and a streamlined process for interacting with DES.

Website Support: Please dial 833-859-3433 or email us at, and one of our representatives will gladly assist you. Support staff are available 6:00 AM - Midnight Mountain Time, 7 days a week.

Technology and Business Support: Providers who need help implementing new technology changes can reach out to the Southwest Human Development Early Childhood Business Services Program (ECBS) by Email:, or the ECBS Support Line: (602) 265-4768, available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM.

Please dial 833-859-3433 or email us at and one of our representatives will gladly assist you. Support staff are available from 6:00 AM - Midnight Mountain Time, 7 days a week.